My heart is broken, my eyes
weep day and night, and I am so desperate. My master, our beloved King
Louis XVI, is dead! Those savage Jacobins sacrificed him to strengthen
their grip on the country. I am on the run too. I sent my wife and my
children to relatives in the Savoy Alps, but it's too dangerous for me
to stay with them. There are Sansculottes everywhere, no one can be
trusted, I fear for my life. Hopefully I reach the Atlantic coast and
find a place on a ship to England. I read an English newspaper
yesterday and found this cartoon.
“A family of
Sans-Culottes refreshing after the fatigues of the day”. The papers
also write that Robespierre has set up a reign of terror. Why do you
think he did this? How has your life changed in the past few weeks and
what is your personal opinion of his measures? Are they really
necessary to “save the Revolution”?
Well, that is what happens when men try to rule this country: At the beginning everybody is starving while some rich men have all they want, then the crowd try to rise up and build a new system by killing all the nobles.But there is no reason to panic, because soon everybody is going to dead anyway, since Robespierre is losing his mind. This is just one example of all those idiots called men trying to "fix it". But men alone will never be able to "fix it" because they all fight for themselves. They just want to solve their own problems without thinking of all the other people that suffer. So neither the nobles, nor Robespierre is going to bring peace to France. Let the women help to find a solution that is good for everybody!
AntwortenLöschenTo answer your questions: Why he did this? Becuse he is a man and he wants the power for himself. Exactly like you did before the revolution. How my life is? I am suffering and afraid of telling my opinion, but that is not something new, i am used to it since I am a woman. And is this necessary to save the revolution? No, it is not. Women with power are necessary to save this revolution!
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AntwortenLöschenWow, how I envy Olympe de Gouges. She is a woman who dares to stand for what she believes in. But unfortunately, I cannot afford to think the way she does. My children need me and I do not think they would survive if I was executed. I always fear to be the next innocent victim of the Guillotine, so as not to be it I try to avoid everything which can put me in danger. Not an easy job! I do not understand at all why Robespierre does kill so many innocent people. In addition I have to say that it obviously does not bring France anywhere. In my opinion it is definitely not necessary to set up this “Reign of Terror”. Robespierre is just killing the wrong people so it does not save the Revolution at all. This “Reign of Terror” is just insane! In conclusion I can say that I do not really care about who is leading the country. I just want to life without this permanent fear and with a stable price for bread. I am seriously running low on money. So at least I hope that the Jacobins succeed in setting a maximum price for bread.
AntwortenLöschenGeorge Danton:
AntwortenLöschenWell that’s how fast it can go. The king did alot of mistakes in the past years so he’s got beheaded now... This cartoon where you should see a „reign of terror“ is totally wrong. The Englishmen don’t know what is happening in our country and that we have to kill every counter revolutionary person in order to actually win this revolution. Else the whole killing with the death of the king would have been worthless. It’s not a reign of terror, we rather look after the well being of the Frenchmen that are for the revolution and want it to be finished. But on the other hand i think that the revolution under the command of Robespierre is starting to kill it’s own children... Some have and many more will die who had nothing against the revolution but that were told off or that thought, as I do that the revolution with Robespierre in the leed is going in the wrong direction.
The only change that this has brought to our unfortunate fatherland is that instead of the king, some other madmen are leading our country. The unfaithful representatives we have in todays government promised to bring freedom and equality to the republic but what they in fact have brought, is a country where the rich can starve another class of society by their immunity. The policies that the National Convention has put in to place have not helped the poor and they have also not taken away the benefits of the rich but instead they have brought chaos to our country!
AntwortenLöschenWhy should the widows of those who died while fighting for their freedom be forced to tirelessly work in order to be able to feed her children and pay for the cotton they need to wipe away their tears while the rich can still exercise an advantage towards the sans-coulottes through means of money?
The only way to change these problems is by establishing a classless society and by abolishing private property. Only then will all men truthfully be equal!
I’m really sad too, it wasn’t necessary to kill our king, now we can only hope that god will save us. This cartoon illustrates perfectly what happens in France at the Moment, those Sansculottes are the most godless persons I’ve ever seen, and the fact that they support the Jacobins makes it even worse. I’m afraid that Robespierre decides to attack our clergy, since he attacked the nobles and all the other people without any reason, just because he thinks they disturb the revolution. I fled to a secret place, where it isn’t that comfortable as at my home… But at least I’m safe now. I hope that this reign of terror ends soon, the current situation is even more terrible than it has been before the Jacobins were our leaders, I wonder why nobody realizes this.
AntwortenLöschenWhen the king died I thought that my husband and I would finally be able to have good lives without suffering. However, just like I made the mistake of trusting the king when he was still in a position to make a change, I trusted the wrong people to save our nation this time too. Who would have thought that it could get any worse after everything we French citizens have been through. I don't understand why Robespierre has to set up a reign of terror. He is not helping anyone at all! In fact he is doing quite the opposite. He is attacking so many innocent people and every day I live in fear of my husband or I being the next victims of the Guillotine. I don't think I can stand this much longer. I agree with Marie-Rose Barre. It doesn't really matter to me anymore who rules the country. All I want is a secure place to live where I won't starve to death. I pray that someone will put an end to all of this soon!
AntwortenLöschenThank you God that I've got out alive of the university today! While we were spending one of our meetings in the academicgroup about the old calculations of the Romans, suddenly one of these Sans-culottes appeared and wanted to arrest us. Luckily, we found a way out of this terrifying situation, because we managed to convince him, that we only discuss scientific stuff in this group and none like how to stop the revolution. Of course he didn’t believe us at first, but when he saw the book full of mathematic equations, the supporter of the Jacobins left.
AntwortenLöschenTo be honest, this situation does not only make me feel scared, it makes me angry!! Why is there a reign of terror now, why?? It all started so well: The national assembly was established and the constitution of France was written...but now Robespierre and these Jacobins are going to destroy everything, they are so foolish and dump! I am quite furious, because people are even more suffering now, than they did a year ago! Can't just anyone think intelligent in this Committee of safety and Jacobin Club??? Just someone! If this isn’t going to happen soon, I predict a France without any people left!
I think that the downfall of the king is the logical consequence of his bad way of ruling our country. I didn’t support the revolution but I neither supported our king. But now I’m in big trouble because Robespierre and his reign of terror want to prevent a counter revolution and in their opinion everybody who didn’t support the revolution wants to make a counter revolution. So now I’m being chased by them and I had to leave the court of Versailles and I won’t tell you, where I am right now. I think that it is not possible to prevent the revolution anymore. But to be honest, even if I were a supporter of the revolution I would be against Robespierre. I think that he and his reign of terror will kill many supporters of the revolution too and sooner or later the reign of terror will destroy itself.
AntwortenLöschenThere you have it. You wanted a revolution and now you have to pay the prize. All this terror would have never happened if you hadn’t killed me. You lost your protection and safety just as I feared. You won’t be able to stop the Jacobins and the Sans-Culottes that soon. Robespierre is a clever and cruel man who’ll never stop his reign of terror. If you want your peace back you have to execute him as well and all the Jacobins. This revolution isn’t even about freedom and rights anymore, it’s a platform for Robespierre, he doesn’t want what’s best for you people, all he wants is as much power as possible. The whole revolution was a bad thing to start with, and it seems like there’s no easy way out of this for you. As soon as the reign of terror ends you people have to make sure the power goes to those who don’t abuse it. All I can do now is watch you suffer and pray for my dear France to get through this chaos.
AntwortenLöschenThe king was just too powerful. And he didn’t want to give up his power. He was against the revolution and everyone that hinders the revolution or tries to stop it has to be eliminated. It’s just saver for the people that way, because if not they could try to go back to the old governing system. And that would mean that we have to live in estates again and that would be terrible for us!
AntwortenLöschenSo all the other countries, like England, that are still ruled by a king are afraid. They don’t want the revolution to influence their people because if the poor people knew how it could be if the revolution had also taken place in their country they would start to rebel as well. So the paper tries to prevent that from happening by showing us as bestial people without any reason to act the way we do. But we do have a reason!
Robespierre is a strong leader and I think that it’s necessary to have someone like him to keep us save. He just wants to help our country and his measures are only terrible for his opponents. My life is so much better now. I have the same privileges as all the nobles so that’s perfect for my me and my business. I can even influence the politics in our country.
So why shouldn’t he be allowed to help us?
Everything that is done now is necessary to save the Revolution. The King deserved to die, especially after he tried to flee like a coward. I never trusted him and now we see why. We were right to behead him, and we are right to take the lives of many others, as it is their rightful punishment. This is what you get from oppressing the poor and letting your people starve. The 2nd and 1st Estate had their lives in wealth and they let us all starve. Now the tables have turned and they shall suffer, they shall all pay for their ignorance and for their decadence.
AntwortenLöschenI trust Robespierre to do the right thing, he will lead us to a better France without a King and without privileges for the nobles and enough food and shelter for all. Robespierre is strong and exactly the kind of man we need. There is no way he will let us down. I don't believe he wants to be crowned king himself, he is different. With him this revolution will be a success. With him as a leader, not only us, but our children and grandchildren and all the generations to come will live in a free France and they won't have to starve.
I think that the goal of the Committee of Public Safety is to scare the people in order to be able to control them better. When the folk is scared, it obeys much better and nobody is brave enough to stand up and say what they think about this situation. I think that what’s happening right now is terrible. Everybody is afraid to go out of the house. I would never have thought that the revolution would be like this. I thought that as lawyer I could save the people from being executed but I don’t think that I can achieve much with my job, because most of the people don’t even get a trial and I am afraid that, if I try to speak up for somebody, I am going to be guillotined myself. Every evening, when I get home I don’t want to open the door because I am too scared to enter and see that my wife and children are not there. Friday, I am going to bring my family to an old friend of mine, who lives in Spain. If the situation doesn’t improve, I am going to flee too.
AntwortenLöschenThe King is gone. Whata shocking message. I know life has been taff lately and I know that the people had to make a change but was that the correct form of chance?
AntwortenLöschenI really don't think so. I sore an oath of loyality to the king and I keept this oatch till the end. But now the King is dead and my oath is finish. I guess I better shut up now and stop talking about the loyality I swore to the king it's dangerouse in those days. I have the fear, that now since the king is gone the society will break down.
I'm wondering how the whole situation will turn out. I hope the best for my country, my people my family and myselfe.
God bless us.
Oh dear, this must be a bad dream. Our king, Louis XVI, is dead! Though I was send into exile and I’ve been in Switzerland for quite a long time already this horrible news reached me pretty fast. I’m so shocked and can’t imagine how France should be ruled and the problems should be solved without our king.
AntwortenLöschenAnd to make the situation worse Robespierre sets up this reign of terror. I’m sure he did this because he wants to have the king’s power to rule France! And well, my life has been bad since I was send into exile… I can’t even remember when I last enjoyed a party! But else it didn’t change much in the past few weeks. Of course I’m afraid that the Jacobins will find and execute me but the fact that I’m in Switzerland calms me down a bit.
Robespierre shouldn't continue trying to save this ridiculous revolution. The revolution should just stop! Oh how I wish that everything would be the same as before: Parties, delicious food, pretty dresses...
I still do not believe this all happened… It seems more like a dream to me, a nightmare! But I cannot wake up. And my love, my husband is dead. How could they do this to me? I feel like I am exploding of anger! At least I still have my children. And my friends who are trying to help me and my children to escape. But they observe us all the time, so it is almost impossible to flee. Oh god what can I do? I am so afraid of the future. I think I will not get out of this alive; they want to kill me as well. And what concerns this Robespierre guy: What is he doing? He is messing everything up! I hate him! And so I hate the revolution! I just wished I could turn back time and have my husband back and my position as a respected queen. Oh how I miss the good old times…